Gerry Pyves
If you have ever wanted to know
how you can remove trauma
from your nervous system,
then this is the book for you.
“This book is brilliant.
It held my interest the whole way through...”
— Michael Hempseed,
Author of "Being a True Hero"
“One of only a handful of books in my reading existence that has made a profound difference to my life.”
- Dr Mark Edmond,
Family Doctor
“This book has a nerve! Its publication could not be timelier...”
— Professor Francis McGlone
Professor of Neuroscience,
Liverpool John Moores University

This is a book like no other in the field of trauma.
It explains how modern day humanity is living in a “traumasphere” and how this is the main threat to our health and resilience.
This means trauma is accumulating in the human nervous system in unprecedented amounts. Despite all the neuroscience that has emerged, we still know very little about what we can do to remove it. The reason for this failure is simple: we have forgotten how to "talk" to the nervous system in a language it understands.
This book explains how touch can solve something that has baffled doctors, healers and therapists for more than two hundred years. This revolutionary new insight means we can all remove trauma effortlessly and effectively from our own homes.
Touch is a language that the human nervous system can understand.
By working separately as both a psychotherapist and a massage therapist for 38 years, I have witnessed how the simple and ancient art of human touch can remove trauma for good.
It turns out that the answer to healing trauma is not only as old as the hills, but is something that we can all learn to do. Just as a copper conductor will conduct lightning safely into the ground, so touch provides a physical and kinetic pathway for trauma to leave the body.
This is how we can speak to the nervous system in a language it can understand. That is why touch works when words do not.

It has taken me a lifetime to integrate the scientific research with my own clinical experiences.
This book includes:
What being human really means and how this understanding changes the way we think of trauma.
What connects the two healing disciplines of Psychotherapy and Bodywork.
How touch literally talks to the nervous system.
How learning the simple techniques of Primal Touch can remove trauma and build your resilience.
The final chapters of the book consist of a training manual (and access to ten free training videos) showing you how to do this safely. This alone makes this book worth its weight in gold.
“Touching Trauma is not the same old information rehashed, it offers new insights into the world of healing trauma that many people will find immensely valuable”
— Michael Hempseed

Want to understand more about trauma?
Download my FREE 15-page ebook "Understanding Trauma" by signing up to my mailing list . This ebook shows you how to recognise the signs of trauma and the signs of resilience once it has been discharged.